Saturday, January 30, 2010

Bosa Higgs: Reflections of Blood (part 5)

Max:  I know what are you trying to do.  I know you are just defending your credibility but he is my boss and if you step on his toes we can say goodbye to our cooperation.  Understand? Max bent his index finger against his left temple.  His bad side, no more cases!
Just as Bosa was ready to rebuttal Max interrupted her once again.   
Max: Go home now.  I'll try to fix this.  Keep your cell close because I'll call you later.  Ok?
Bosa: Ok, but let me at least apologize; she said as if ashamed.
Max looked at her trying to find the sincerity of that statement and then stepped out of her way. 
Bosa: Listen guys, I am really sorry about the things I said ; she looked up from staring at her shoes and found them two feeding from her apology.  But you; pointed at Claudio; really need to close the zipper Mr. Sheriff.
Claudio quickly  moved his hand from the cell phone to his zipper and abruptly pulled it up while his assistant  was shaking her head in shock from this unexpected performance. 

As Max entered the office again, he glanced at the poster board of unsolved crimes.
 Max: Her name is Bosa Higgs.  She came here a year ago with the same book you two saw today and told us to read it.  We disregard both the book and her and simply recommended a couple of good psychiatrists. Two days after, we found a taxi driver murdered in the same exact way, place and time as described in her book.  I did not even read it; it was the junior officer.  I called her back in, in suspicion of either her committing the crime or having an accomplice.  We performed a lie detector test which she passed with flying colors.  She also had an air tight alibi.  Then, upon doing background check, I discovered that she is the only successful person who passed the GANZFELD experiment.

Claudio: And that is?  Claudio intriguingly added..
Max: This experiment completely releases you of your senses due to them being either covered or masked.  Its purpose is to examine the validity of extra sensory claims. Basically if you do possess the sixth sense and if you could control it.  She can easily distinguish feasible dreams and the ones that are culmination of déjà vu renderings of her day to day life but with substitute characters.  She is currently working as a secretary but her gift was a result of an accident at her previous work place. She worked for Virgin Airlines as a stewardess and during one flight through a stormy weather the plane was hit by a bolt of lightning .
Claudio: I thought that planes have something like a cage?
Max: Hahaha; Max chuckled;  Well, it is not a cage.  It is a principle called Faraday's cage.  Simply put, persons inside the plane could not feel anything because the electricity would spread out through the outside surface. Imagine pouring water over a closed bottle.  Well, the plane was aluminum and that is exactly what happened.  But for some reason, Virgin spokesperson declared the accident Bosa irresponsibility because she did get juiced by something while she was going through the cabinets in order to find some Gatorade for a passenger.  She has also been told that while they were dragging her of the plane upon landing, she kept producing a incredible amount of static electricity with the carpet found on the floor of the plane.  She was literally leaving a fire burning trail.

Claudio: Well enough said.  I leave this cause solely to you because I appreciate all her help and I am very intrigued by this person.  But since we met in such circumstance I do not want any of my resources wasted or any man power used on this.  As for the other thing…
Max: I will not say a word sir.  Ms. Sandra, Mr. Claudio, you guys have a nice day.
They shook hands and Max closed the door behind them.  He stood there for a minute with his cheek leaned against cold glass and with his right hand on the door handle.  His eyes were closed and his breathing started slowing down.  All of a sudden he closed the blinds, picked up his Touch Diamond and called Bosa.  Instantly the office was full of morbid silence.

Did you know that physicists are now looking into the possibility of Unhiggs?

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