Saturday, February 6, 2010

Bosa Higgs: Reflections of Blood (part 6)

Max: Halo, Bosa? The person hanging, does it fall in any specific age group? Could you tell? Height-wise?  Could it be a teen?
Bosa: I guess so.  We reach our maximum height in our late teens so probably. But it can be an adult as well.
A spark ignited in Max's eyes while he glanced over the board with unsolved murders.  His fingers reached out, took a pin out and embraced a photo with a face of a young girl.
Max:  Bosa, I think we have a case.  I'll be right over.
Max grabbed his jacket and literally ran out of the office with the photo in his mouth and one arm in the jacket sleeve. It was just a couple of minutes after noon when Max caught up with Bosa in front of her apartment.  The day was beautiful and sunny, but luckily not as humid as the Florida weather can get. For this reason they decided to take a walk and figure out a way of attacking this case.

Max gently padded and rubbed Bosa's shoulder blades and asked:
Max: Are you feeling better?
Bosa: Yes, I do. Thanks. So what is the base of our case?
Max: You will find this intriguing. You have heard of Myspace, right?
Bosa: Myspace?  Oh, yeah, the old style networking website.  Before Alternative Reality.
Max: Exactly.  Well, did you know that it is still in existence but it has taken a form of internet crime lodge due to the lack of monitoring.  A month ago we had a young girl, 14, A-student, volleyball team captain and a class president take her own life.  We linked her suicide to a cult group that operates exclusively on  Myspace.
Bosa: Wow, I heard about it not too long ago.  Perfect example of why we should allow net neutrality and prevent corporations control the web.  This is the result of their greed.  All the people opposing them run the other side of the web with intentions of harm.  So should we bring back life to goggle on this?
Max: Absolutely!

Both of them hurried to the next corner where a satellite computer was available for use.
Max: Do you have any change (meaning a card with a magnetic stripe which fully replaced paper bills) or should I just use my print? ( fingerprint checkout)
Bosa:  I have no change so …
Max swiped his finger over the fingerprint reader and verified his identity with the vocal analyzer. The glass door opened and a fully networked, single cable 42-inch tablet appeared and asked them for their initial direction.
Max: Myspace! We have the main page of the cult but nothing on the page itself relates to anyone in particular.  His IP trace is clinically clean.
Bosa: Well, lets check his friends.  At least someone is in contact with him. E-mail address, picture, code or something.  Anything.

The search went on for hours.  Endlessly fingers were swept across the tablet.  Bosa and Max appeared as masters of painting, leaving traces of their work.  Fingers bowed as brushes in attempt to color the case. Bosa: Blood as the darkest red you have ever seen will be spilled and our main suspects are of:
Bosa turned to Max who was looking back at her with his dilated pupils.  Blue blood, continued Bosa.  I think we might have our guy.  This is Jack Mims, son of Jorge Mims or Mr. Intel, the guy that owns the entire Intel corporation.  Do you see this in the caption of the picture. Bosa pointed at the screen but Max could not find anything even related to their case.

I will leave you today with a quote: 
"Common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by age eighteen."
Albert Einstein 

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