Saturday, March 27, 2010

Bosa Higgs: Reflections of Blood (part 12)

You can read Chapter 11 here:

Few seconds after they tucked each other in bed, Max was well asleep but Bosa was as awake as in daylight, stared at the ceiling and spoke of a certain series of numbers as if unconscious: 1-1-2-3-5-8-13-21-34...
Max's phone rang: Yeees, he dreamingly answers.
Alexander: Sir, its me.  I have been working on it all night.  This guy you are looking for is like a sterile neutrino, traveling through all dimensions. 
Max: What does that mean in English?
Alexander:  Listen to this: One moment he is in Orlando FL, and the next he falls through the ground and can not be found.  Then he appears in Sao Tome and Principe and déjà vu again, he disappears.  He has no family , no address, no previous record, nothing.  He is like a jumper. 
Max: Stream it to my phone on a secure port, while rubbing his eyes he noticed that Bosa is completely awake so he tried to make the phone call brief as possible. I appreciate this, but keep it under the radar please.  Keep Claudio out of the loop and deny everything.  
Alexander: You are the boss, Max! Are we still on for that soccer game on Thursday? 
Max: You bet your shiny cleats.
Alexander: Excellent, later! Max placed the phone back on the floor and stretched.

Max: Bosa, you sleepy?  Max asked while stretching and he almost put his fist in her eye.
Bosa: Well now I am. 
Max: Then lets go to work!!! By the way, what were those numbers you  mumbled about?
Bosa: Unimportant really.  Just my way of putting myself to sleep.  It helps.  It is my way of counting sheep.
Max sat there for a second:  Everyone has their own way of doing things, but what is one common thing that we all share, except our anatomy?
Bosa: Ignorance regarding political affairs of the current government?  Bosa allowed herself to joke in this stressful situation, drawing a slight chuckle  from Max.
Max: Except that of course? Give up? A slight pause haunted Max brain. Curiosity! Get dressed, we have to run.
Curiosity: human greatest strength but our greatest weakness as well.  It resulted in biggest technological revolutions that inadvertently caused a lot of suffering through wars.
Max: We are going to my office to plan a trap.  He was soaking in Bosas confused look. Well, why shouldn't we?  We have curiosity on our side. As they walked down the stairs and were just passing the glass door of Bosa's building Max felt a slight vibration in the right pocket of his jeans.
Max: Damn it, I forgot my keys upstairs.  Give me your card so I can go get them.
Bosa: I can get them- Bosa says.
Max Its all right, you stay here and enjoy the air, it is a nice day:  Max screamed right before the front door shut behind him.  Couple of minutes passed, and Bosa stared at a point in the sky which had her enter mind equilibrium.

Bosa: Why is Max taking so long? She asked herself. At that moment a black glove was placed on her mouth and she felt the sharp pain that cut through her rib cage. It was his cold gun.
Unknown: I need you not to be there when Joei is discovered.   Bosa raised her eyebrows and started to wiggle in his grip but it was practically impossible.  All the points of her body capable of any kind of maneuver were covered.  His low voice as if pitched down, said " I'm a friendI'm one of your kind.  I have seen it.  It is going to be very dangerous for you there when he performs his experiment.
Bosa: Experiment? My kind? 
Unknown: Just let Max handle it!
Bosa: Max?  Only friends call him that! Where is he? Bosa says under her breath.
Unknown: When I release you embrace to land on the concrete. Count to 30 and then turn.

He pushed her with a sudden erect move and she landed on her knees on the asphalt. She was counting when she unexpectedly  looked at the broken add screen at the bus stop adjacent to her.  It acted as a mirror in which she saw a man fully sprinting down the empty alley.  What stroke her was his diversion in that running lane.  He approached a rose garden and pulled a petal out of a rose as if he was forced there by a compulsive disorder.  Still terrified and confused, Bosa's mind kept racing. Couple of moments later, Bosa stood up, tried cleaning her knees when Max stepped out of the building, calm and smiling and said:
Max: I found them! He waved a series of fingernail sized cards. Puff.. They fell in between your mattress and the ….Are you all right? When she saw his face, she threw herself into his embrace and started sobbing.  
Bosa: We are onto something big here!
Max: What do you mean? What is wrong?

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