Tuesday, April 13, 2010


“The infinite is in the finite of every instant”
Zen Proverb
In the medium of an instant
the delirium is not distant
since time materializes

Tedium is existent
when equilibrium is consistent
beginnings mind realizes

Right now? How small is that now? Is it smaller than the time took to conjugate the thought? Is it even possible to utter the word NOW and then not refer to the past? That single moment, an instant is the basic unit of time.  But could we ever observe it, feel it, or experience it in its true speed?

Did you know that the current official definition of the second is the time it takes for 9 192 631 770 oscillations of the Cesium atom at zero magnetic field. 

Take Back the Instant:

Friday, April 9, 2010

Quote Butcher II

All wars are civil wars, because all men are brothers.
Francois Fenelon
Butchered: (Just add to the existant)
All wars are civil wars, because all men are brothers. Does that make Mother Nature a whore and God a gigolo?

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

411 Dial Sun

Our Paris: St. Augustine, FL.  On our way through the historic downtown I encountered this sundial  high above the church doors.  It is painted on the outside facade of the Cathedral Basilica and it looked really interesting.
Uneasy with the revolution of the globe
nightfall he waited.
to seize the ray in retribution of the probe,
light sprawled all abated.

His synchronous companion
is the suns inverted reflection
who simply obeys the schedule
diverted in its direction. 

The writing on the clock itself  was :"Pereunt et Imputantur"- the hours pass and are reckoned to our account.

"The Latin phrase Pereunt et Imputantur, a favourite motto for clocks and sundials first penned by the Latin poet Martial in the poem "Character of a happy life", is usually translated as "they perish and are reckoned to our account", referring to the hours that we spend, wisely or not"

Here is a link to all of you who want to make your own sundial. 

I was scanaging the internet today and I would like to add this interesting play with time and numbers:

"20:01, 20/01, 2001 : 08:01 pm, 20th January, 2001
20:02, 20/02, 2002 : 08:02 pm, 20th February, 2002
20:03, 20/03, 2003 : 08:03 pm, 20th March, 2003
20:04, 20/04, 2004 : 08:04 pm, 20th April, 2004
20:05, 20/05, 2005 : 08:05 pm, 20th May, 2005
20:06, 20/06, 2006 : 08:06 pm, 20th June, 2006
20:07, 20/07, 2007 : 08:07 pm, 20th July, 2007
20:08, 20/08, 2008 : 08:08 pm, 20th August, 2008
20:09, 20/09, 2009 : 08:09 pm, 20th September, 2009
20:10, 20/10, 2010 : 08:10 pm, 20th October, 2010
20:11, 20/11, 2011 : 08:11 pm, 20th November, 2011
20:12, 20/12, 2012 : 08:12 pm, 20th December, 2012
And like this in every century first 12 years must have time like above."

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Quote Butcher I

NEWS: I have decided to introduce a "new weekly blog update topic."  It will be called Quote Butcher: Quoter 4 Your Thoughts.  I will try to ridicule the most common quotes used nowadays. 

Today is April Fools Day so I just thought it would be appropriate to do something related.  Barely but related.

Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.  ~Chinese Proverb

Here is my version:
Fool with me once, shame on you.  Fool me twice, you better be on the pill.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Clocks slay time... time is dead as long as it is being clicked off by little wheels; only when the clock stops does time come to life.
William Faulkner
Can your eye resist the watch?
and your hand persist to mist the swatch
pissed when the hand twist is missed
you exist by a notch
SUBSIST: its gist is to assist
punctuality you kiss blotched! 

Do we live our lives incredibly fast? The not so Westerners would agree.  To them we live five seconds in a second.  Furthermore, punctuality is now in our DNA: Eat, Sleep, be on time. 
Even funnier, at least to me, are these Time Management books and the entire movement.  Save time: it reminds me of a McDonald's add in which the change saved from being on a Dollar Menu accumulates gradually.  Yes, we can definitely multitask and stop procrastinating and settle for okay instead of good and avoid traffic with the integrated GPS real-TIME traffic updates.  I was actually afraid that it was gonna be fake time.  

Basically I'm just trying to say that we should be aware of the time passing but not stalk it. Well, whatever. 

Interesting Fact:
According to a man named Paul Couderc, only one one-thousandth of a second is gained in sixty years of traveling at the speed of sound.

Here is a cool video I found on Youtube: Chicago-What time it is?

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Wolf Totem

Bosa Higgs: Reflections of Blood (part 12)

You can read Chapter 11 here:

Few seconds after they tucked each other in bed, Max was well asleep but Bosa was as awake as in daylight, stared at the ceiling and spoke of a certain series of numbers as if unconscious: 1-1-2-3-5-8-13-21-34...
Max's phone rang: Yeees, he dreamingly answers.
Alexander: Sir, its me.  I have been working on it all night.  This guy you are looking for is like a sterile neutrino, traveling through all dimensions. 
Max: What does that mean in English?
Alexander:  Listen to this: One moment he is in Orlando FL, and the next he falls through the ground and can not be found.  Then he appears in Sao Tome and Principe and déjà vu again, he disappears.  He has no family , no address, no previous record, nothing.  He is like a jumper. 
Max: Stream it to my phone on a secure port, while rubbing his eyes he noticed that Bosa is completely awake so he tried to make the phone call brief as possible. I appreciate this, but keep it under the radar please.  Keep Claudio out of the loop and deny everything.  
Alexander: You are the boss, Max! Are we still on for that soccer game on Thursday? 
Max: You bet your shiny cleats.
Alexander: Excellent, later! Max placed the phone back on the floor and stretched.

Max: Bosa, you sleepy?  Max asked while stretching and he almost put his fist in her eye.
Bosa: Well now I am. 
Max: Then lets go to work!!! By the way, what were those numbers you  mumbled about?
Bosa: Unimportant really.  Just my way of putting myself to sleep.  It helps.  It is my way of counting sheep.
Max sat there for a second:  Everyone has their own way of doing things, but what is one common thing that we all share, except our anatomy?
Bosa: Ignorance regarding political affairs of the current government?  Bosa allowed herself to joke in this stressful situation, drawing a slight chuckle  from Max.
Max: Except that of course? Give up? A slight pause haunted Max brain. Curiosity! Get dressed, we have to run.
Curiosity: human greatest strength but our greatest weakness as well.  It resulted in biggest technological revolutions that inadvertently caused a lot of suffering through wars.
Max: We are going to my office to plan a trap.  He was soaking in Bosas confused look. Well, why shouldn't we?  We have curiosity on our side. As they walked down the stairs and were just passing the glass door of Bosa's building Max felt a slight vibration in the right pocket of his jeans.
Max: Damn it, I forgot my keys upstairs.  Give me your card so I can go get them.
Bosa: I can get them- Bosa says.
Max Its all right, you stay here and enjoy the air, it is a nice day:  Max screamed right before the front door shut behind him.  Couple of minutes passed, and Bosa stared at a point in the sky which had her enter mind equilibrium.

Bosa: Why is Max taking so long? She asked herself. At that moment a black glove was placed on her mouth and she felt the sharp pain that cut through her rib cage. It was his cold gun.
Unknown: I need you not to be there when Joei is discovered.   Bosa raised her eyebrows and started to wiggle in his grip but it was practically impossible.  All the points of her body capable of any kind of maneuver were covered.  His low voice as if pitched down, said " I'm a friendI'm one of your kind.  I have seen it.  It is going to be very dangerous for you there when he performs his experiment.
Bosa: Experiment? My kind? 
Unknown: Just let Max handle it!
Bosa: Max?  Only friends call him that! Where is he? Bosa says under her breath.
Unknown: When I release you embrace to land on the concrete. Count to 30 and then turn.

He pushed her with a sudden erect move and she landed on her knees on the asphalt. She was counting when she unexpectedly  looked at the broken add screen at the bus stop adjacent to her.  It acted as a mirror in which she saw a man fully sprinting down the empty alley.  What stroke her was his diversion in that running lane.  He approached a rose garden and pulled a petal out of a rose as if he was forced there by a compulsive disorder.  Still terrified and confused, Bosa's mind kept racing. Couple of moments later, Bosa stood up, tried cleaning her knees when Max stepped out of the building, calm and smiling and said:
Max: I found them! He waved a series of fingernail sized cards. Puff.. They fell in between your mattress and the ….Are you all right? When she saw his face, she threw herself into his embrace and started sobbing.  
Bosa: We are onto something big here!
Max: What do you mean? What is wrong?

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


"Even a broken clock is right twice a day." 
Stephen Hunt                                  
Why do clocks go clockwise?
"In the northern hemisphere, the earth rotates counter-clockwise, which means that from our point of view the sun appears to move across the sky in a clockwise direction. Therefore, if you build a sundial to tell time, the shadows will move across it in a clockwise direction. With mechanical clocks, you could of course make them go around either way, but the earliest ones were presumably designed to turn the same way the shadows on a sundial do, simply because that’s what people were used to. "

I would also add that this is the Western World  way: When ever you start reading do you read left to right, or right to left? Does the clock go left to right or right to left?
Syncopated Clock          

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Time is Right

Shakespeare said: “Time is the justice that examines all offenders.” 
Henry David Thoreau said: "You cannot kill time without injuring eternity."

In June of 2006, the Oxford Dictionary cited the word "Time" as the most often used noun in the English language.  

Yet we know so little about time itself.  Our language, our thoughts, our actions are intertwined in these series of moments that make up our world.  A multi-dimensional puzzle that makes us all make sense but what is sense? Is our consciousness actually time itself? It the soul time? 

When we are wasting time, it is said that we kill time.  If that is true where does the time go? Is there such a thing as a "time storage unit" where time just sits and waits to be remembered? Maybe those storage units are our memories climate controlled in our brains. 

Spiritual Beggars-Killing time

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Bosa Higgs: Reflections of Blood (part 11)

 You can catch up with the previous passage here:

Then in the middle of the night a scream. Max's arms was over Bosa's chest and her sudden awakening disturbed him.
Max: Are you all right? He blabbered in darkness. Half conscious he whispered that everything was going to be all right and started singing "Go to sleep baby" until he himself fell asleep again.
Bosa tried to catch up to the dream, which rolled in front of her eyes as a high speed digital photo frame. She was slowing down her breath and wiping the drops of sweat from her eyes.
Bosa: I need my book, I need my book. In that moment Max jumps from the bed knowing that she had another vision. Pertaining or not to the case was the question.
Max: Where is it? he asked.
Bosa: Move, its right under the bed. For a minute she sat and wrote. " I am just a particle of God"
During all of this Max was just standing there, ready to hit the kitchen if she needed water or something, patiently waiting for an answer, dying in aguish. She stopped writing and started reading to herself. Every now and then a whisper would come out louder than intended from her.
Bosa: I hear. Echo. Impossible. Max decided to ask, because he just could not hold it in anymore. It is like a inhaled smoke, burning inside and you can not wait to blow it outside.
Max: What is it?
Bosa: This cant be!?! She took the covers off of her feet and rushed out of the room like wind would between trees. She opened the door to this unknown room filled with tapestry and concave glass surfaces with a workstation in the center. As Max went in after her a collection of water drops with different reverb tails resonated in the room. A simple drop of water recorded at close proximity now would sound as in TajMahal , Lincoln Center or some dirty nerds basement. Bosa shuffled through them for couple of minutes examining them closely and demanding complete silence from Max.
Bosa: I found it. Beauty of convolution software. But…she looks at the second screen stating the preset name of this particular sound. B.A.T.H.R.O.O.M.
Max: How can that be? Weren't we in a park, open space?
Bosa: Yeah, but it could be the reflections caused by the arch shape of the bridge. Plus, it has been established that auditory illusions in dreams are common. Studies have shown that depending on which side you sleep, the ear facing the ceiling is the one doing the dream listening. As I slept on the right, my left ear, the one which is connected to the right brain, our creative side, was active. The right ear, which would have been more efficient in discovering percussive sounds such as our body drop has been somewhere in the pillow. 
Max stood there in amazement. He was a witness of Bosa's spoken inner dialogue.  A discussion that would intrigue the entire scientific community.
Max: Well, all right, but that sound you heard could have been very similar to this one due to the acoustics of the under bridge passage way, correct?
Bosa: Yeah, I guess.
Max: OK, so lets go back to sleep and we will deal with this in the morning. 

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Creation of a Time Keeper

“The only reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once.”

Albert Einstein said it and I agree.  Partially at least.  What is the smallest amount of time required for things to happen? Would things then happen? Isn't happening an action of time;  an action requiring time? 

Just a cool fact: 
The smallest possible unit of time is known as "Planck's time"
It is 5.4 x 10^-44 seconds.

0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000054 seconds

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Bosa Higgs: Reflections of Blood (part 10)

 You can read the prequel(Part 9) to this episode here:

Max: Damn it, the picture did not match any known addresses but hopefully the fingerprint readout will.  The phone was in Max's hands again as he dialed the office.       
Hey, its Max, I need you to run something for me. I'm uploading it right now.  Call me back when you get the results.

Max hung up and took a deep breath and exhaled the air slowly.  We need rest, he said.  The night is falling and we have been going at this since the morning.  I'll drop you off and tomorrow early in the morning I'll pick you up.  I still have some work at the office to do.
Bosa was in such momentum that she had to keep on going.  She just had to.  Her body did not feel any aches.  Every single muscle was in a state of readiness  but she respected Max and believed in his judgment. Bosa: I agree.  I'm tired too and I am so in a need for some sleep.  Bosa said that even knowing that she will be up for the entire night in her room of clocks thinking about her visions.
Computer: You have arrived.  Max swiftly stepped out of the car to get Bosa's door.
She was pleased that he did so.

Max: My lady- Bosa's eyes started sparkling and this uneasy feeling flown through her body.  She shivered in his arms.  She loved it.  Max drew his lips closer and closer until each of them could sense the pattern of the other breathing.  A second  slowed to infinity, time stopped and ceased to exist as if  they were traveling on a wave of light.  They were swimming in each others eyes.  Their breathing synced up and their hearts pounded at the same rate.  Then a fusion:  lips joined and a squeaky sound was released.
Bosa: Want to come in
Max: If you insist! Bosa playfully hit him in the shoulder and ran into the building.  Max stayed,observed the environment, an obvious detective tick, shifted his head to the left and to the right and when he made sure that there was nothing suspicious he sprinted after her.
They entered the apartment.  The atmosphere was steaming up.

He bumped her with his bumper. They were bumper to bumper.  Almost motionless, he was shifting gears and accelerating.  At one point of time he pressed the brakes and went in reverse.  Bosa decided to take over the wheel, pressed the pedal to the metal and looked at him in the mirror.
Bosa: Buckle up, its going to be a bumpy ride: she shifted into drive. The drive was as automatic as manual.
The key was in the ignition.  They were not parked anymore.

It was an exciting night.  Culmination of their long lived feelings for each other.  If they were bees, each touch was like a new flower for them.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


I wanted to start this post off with a quote from St. Augustine: 

"I know what time is until you ask me for a definition about it, 
and then I can’t give it to you"

We live by a calendar, with a non stop concern about our schedule, but we never stop to think and appreciate moments since they are our day's fuel.  Even as it seems that they are in abundance, there is a term coined by the humankind which i like to revisit in these times: Chance of a lifetime.  That chance is a instant in the abundance of moments throughout your existence. Single unit of time that can change the course of your life.  One strong wind can sway your arrow in a new direction.

As you look at your watch today be grateful that there is something bigger than ourselves that keeps us focused and in order. 

Time ages us all
engaged  in our thrall
but we still climb and wager the fall
against the slime edge of the wall.

Individuals using the inclined wedge to crawl
to the goal, whose main pledge is to stall
can not recall their rage in a brawl
since time cages them all!

The recent earthquake in Chile tipped the Earth's axis. 

"The change is negligible, but permanent: Each day should be 1.26 microseconds shorter, according to preliminary calculations. A microsecond is one-millionth of a second."

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Bosa Higgs: Reflections of Blood (part 9)

You can read the part 8 here.

Max: Chief Inspector, requiring permission to enter your property! A sealed door shrieked open, a testament of the buildings history, and a short, stocky and bold bearded man stepped out.
Chris: Hi, I'm Chris. I run the place. How may I help you chief?
Max: If you don't mind we would like to see your books! 
Bosa: Up to two years back-she added!
Chris: Wow, wow, wow.  Easy there, can I see a warrant?
Before Bosa had a chance to utter the forbidden words, Max reached for his pocket and pulled out a transparency which when swiped showed numerous pictures.
Max: Here you go! As he turns his left wrist towards the owner so the transparency faces him, the fingers of his right hand were meeting his palm. As soon as the owner wanted to assure himself of the legitimate documentation, Max delivered a strong right uppercut which placed boldie in the corner.
Max: I want it now-he screamed at the top of his lungs and then spoke in a submissive tone- please!
Chris, while spitting out a mixture of teeth and blood with tears in his eyes, started wiping his mouth with his sleeve. His arms shook as if he just finished using a drilling hammer. He reached out to the screen and a self generated list shows up. The screen was dusty, with trash all around it, which just depicted the laziness and slobber of its maintenance crew.

Bosa: Jack Mims, I got him! He is the only listed though! Chris, who was with him? she inquired aggressively.
Chris: His entire crew! Those types of delinquents travel in packs- he mumbled while coughing blood.
Max was getting irritated with empty responses given to him so he decided to snoop around. There were black square shaped boards, often called bass traps, on the lower and top corners of the control room. On the producers desk you would find various open-bottled drinks, cigarette stubs and even some intravenous powder. But what was strikingly odd was the unopened box, delivered the day before and a number of box cutters laying around everywhere. For what purpose?
Bosa: Max, come here. I showed him the picture and he said that he has never seen him. Look at the wall. There is a picture of every big shot artist that came through these doors. And for some reason our guy is on the wall too.
Max: Hmm, plus there is a large unopened box in the back.  Content seems expensive, and an entire manufacturing series of box cutters.
Bosa: Well, box cutters are for splicing tape. This is the only studio in town still doing so.
Max: OK, Chris. I do not want dentists to completely reconstruct your jaw so please tell us the truth. Max pulled out his gun enraged and pointed it at the owners heart. Your brain can be saved but your heart, really hard.
Chris: OK, OK, listen. He paid me not to tell you guys anything if it ever come to this point. He covers his tracks and have them appear leading to someone else. 
While Max was interrogating the studio owner Bosa seemed distracted.

Bosa: What happened to the Amek 9098i?
Chris: I have sold it three days ago to some collector! His eyes shifted to the ceiling and his nervous tick appeared-unstoppable chatter. He continued:  Crazy fellow, always doing two or more things at once. It just seems like he couldn't concentrate on one thing. And since I had debts to pay, his offer could pull me out of a ditch and get a more modern, cheaper console. No more splicing tape, thank god.
MaxBack to Joei please-he interrupted the story tales of a lonely housewife.
Chris: They split the cost of the session. This is his fingerprint readout. He handed him a Flash Drive.

Max: Let's go to cross-reference it at the lab. 
Max turned to Bosa, and as a synchronized duo, right before the left through the door they stated:
Max & Bosa: Send us the bill for the dentist.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Moments are impatient
never deferred
always a duration
sense of waiting would prefer

A line drawn on paper
stretching into infinity
immune to the eraser
by renouncing their affinity

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Bosa Higgs: Reflections of Blood (part 8)

Max took out a small cube-like device out of his cup tray and pressed a black button on the bottom of the screen.  This 2 inch by 3 inch device turned into 6 by 9 and a map was shown. 
Max: 3300 University Blvd, 32792.  A pleasant female voice stated that the address has been accepted.
Computer: Would you be interested in a slight detour in order to recharge the car's battery?       
Max: Yes, just as Max said that a growling sound escaped his stomach.  It's the road, Max tried to excuse himself.
Bosa: Hahaha, she laughed, This car does not even touch the surface of the road.  The music roads did not even sound like that.  
MaxBut they definitely did prevent a lot of speeding.  Imagine driving and the texture of the road's surface with your speed could play a melody.  People found that very exciting and always drove the speed limit.  But I am indeed hungry. 
BosaI guess someone else need a charge as well.
Max: Open printer! A small silver box rose up from the floor with illuminating edges and a touch screen display on its top surface.
Max: Me lady indulge yourself, as if imitating a courtier in a British restaurant in 1893.
Bosa, as if attacking, started sliding her fingers, in motion of the finest pianists, arranging ingredients as  keys  into chords of chewy goodness.  As an avid multitasker, Bosa started tattling on the bowel movement Max just experienced and how that sound would be  a perfect bed for roars of different animals used in a lot of post Hollywood pictures.  In that moment she swiped over a green sensor and the box, as a perfect example of alchemy, modern marvel of nano-technology brought out a good old Angus Beef Burger.
Max: Yummy, yummy, a classic, who as if he has gotten the brightest idea, glowed of excitement. Turn around and give me a second. He refered to Bosa then.
The magic box was in use again.  This time the product was not food for your stomach, but food for your soul.
Max: Turn around. As Bosa's head was turning toward Max, he held a single red rose, artificially created to perfection.  She let out a smile and her eyes took a different form when she discovered his true intention.
Bosa: Max, its beautiful.
Max: Well, not as beautiful as you are! Bosa looked at him while his corny remark echoed through her head:  Either way, I needed something to distract you while I take a bite from your burger.
Bosa: You are so bad! They both chuckled and their hands joined together.  Fingers slid into each other, like if their two hands were the two final missing pieces of Gods puzzle.  It seemed like they finally accepted each other and had their affections open in the air.
The car started.  They rose up in the air and floated smoothly in a car based on levitation and magneto hydrodynamics. Their destination was this former school.
Computer: Estimated arrival in four minutes. Would you like me to establish a video call in order to confirm our visit? Would you like the architectural floor plan of our destination?
Max: Neither Lola, thank you! Disarm all the weapons on board so that we don't activate their parking alarms.
Computer: Affirmative.
At the next moment they have already landed and were in the front of the door.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

My Time

Did you know that humans have internal clocks?  They are called Circadian rhythms: roughly 24-hour cycle in the biochemical, physiological or behavioral processes of living entities.  Even in the absence of the societies structured time scales our bodies can regulate time on its own- the good old fashion way by following nature cycles.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Being of Time

For the time being, 
I'm a time being,
stuck being in time
but this time is being
confined with seeing
this involuntary breathing of mine

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Bosa Higgs: Reflections of Blood (part 7)

Max: Yeeees…
Bosa:  " Me and KRK in studio finishing my album".  The url of the main Myspace page is Rockit. Not a Rocket. Rockit.  Rockit is a series of vintage speakers made by KRK and I remember this only because they just did a reissue of one of their classic pair. They are both in the recording business so its only logical that they are familiar with the brand.  Also, Bosa inhaled deeply, I know this studio.  You see the console in the back.  The channel strip and their color coding.  There is only one studio in town that has that console.  It's an Amek 9098i. The studio was a former school.
Max: How do you know this stuff?
Bosa: Audio is my hobby.  I have a project studio in my apartment. It's like you never saw it.
Max shrugged his shoulders and responded: Well how am I suppose to know that when every time I invite myself upstairs you politely decline the offer. They both stared at each other for a second. Either way, let us pay a visit to that school.
The screen gets black and a pop-up window prompts with the receipt question. 
Computer: E-mail your receipt?
Yes, Max answered.
In that moment the entrance doors were released and the glass changed tilt so it became visible to the outside world.  They left.  During the walk back, Max being interested in this former school, asked a couple of questions.  
Max: So what is up with this school?
Bosa: Before the Big Economic Crises of 2009, this school was expanding by the day.  State of the art equipment, its wow factor and being an accelerated program drew a lot of crowd.  After the crisis though, the student number was cut by 70% and the downfall first started off as liquidation of departments but ended up as deformation of most curriculum and programs offered. At the very end  everything was auctioned off.  The recording studio itself was sold for cents on a dollar to couple of former instructors.  It was bizarre. It closed down and sold every single thing in matter of days.  One moment it was there and the next you could see personnel being escorted by the security of the premises.
In that moment Max yelled out " Door open"  and the car engine started and the doors started opening by pivoting on the tire end and going up vertically.  They both jumped in and the door closed behind them. 

Bosa Higgs is in love just in time for Valentines day.

Tine & Val 09

As a child, sitting on stairs and brushing off dust collected on books, I would encounter some intriguing titles and eventually read them.  One of my favorite stories was the story of 2 angels of love named Tine and Val.  Taken under the wing of Cupid himself, they were hopeless romantics.  They are probably the reason why I'm one myself.  Throughout many sleepless nights they would keep me company enclosed in a single mangled 30 page novel.  Deja-vu through their adventures was so common that I literally became their family.

Nowadays, you and you alone remind me of them.  So full of love, passion, no stranger to caressing and cuddling, you breathe the meaning of love.

I think Tine and Val would be proud of me making you my choice in life but they would be more proud of you and your loving personality.

So please, would you be my Val & Tine? At least today?