Saturday, January 16, 2010

Bosa Higgs: Reflections of Blood(Part 3)

Out through the apartment door, she rushed outside.  Upon leaving the building, she shot her hand deep in the tight pocket of her ripped jeans and pulled out keys for her antique 2004 Dodge Stratus. Doors screeched upon her entry and by slamming them she shook the entire car.  Couple of key turns in the ignition managed to start the car  which then  drove off towards the downtown police headquarters.  Upon arrival and parking in the reserved space, Bosa pushed the passenger seat back and grabbed a bag that was out in the open now.  Inside the bag was a pocket recorder: Korg MR-1 without which she could not live without.  Deep breath she took and flew out of the car as if the car was rigged with explosives and she had a mere second to escape.She entered the police station and approached the counter. 

Bosa: Hi, my name is Bosa Higgs and I'm here to see the chief detective Maximilian.
Officer: Is he expecting you?
Bosa: No, but it is very important. He and I are old friends.
Officer: I'm afraid that I can not help you at this moment.
Bosa :Please? It is of great importance.
Officer just gave her an uninterested look and pointed towards the chairs in the seating lounge. Bosa then knew that her appearance and charm would not work so she had to take an alternative route. Scrambling through her purse, she pulled out a wrinkly business card
Bosa: Ok. Here you go. This is a card of one of my friends.  She is a realtor and she could probably help you.
Officer :Excuse me? Confused and little embarrassed, the police officer paused for a second:       
How did you know that?
Bosa :Well, people's appearance tells a lot about them. Take your nails for an example;at that moement he quickly hid them under the counter; are little longer which means that you do not take care of yourself that much but your shirt is nicely ironed, which means somebody is taking care of you and since there is no ring on your finger I'm guessing that you still live with you parents and that your mother does your clothes.  Officer swallows and chuckles nervously;  Also, I can see the screen of your laptop with many open apartment guide websites. You are planning to move out right? Officer nods his head in disbelief.  So, that is that? Can I see Max?  Bosa said it as if she was bored by her own performance.
Officer: All righty, give me a second.  He pressed a number on the intercom and picked up the handset.  After a brief conversation and a couple of grins on his face he slowly dropped the phone and said:
Chief is in a meeting currently, but you can join him as soon as he is finished.  His office is the last one on the   left and for now if you do not mind…he pointed at a overcrowded and loud waiting room.
As she was turning the officer bent over the counter and whispered : Thank you.

As soon as the young officer took his eyes of Bosa and dedicated himself back to apartment searching, she stood up and headed towards Max's office. Right in front of the door, she stopped, took a deep breath, adjusted her hair and then finally walked in.

Keep Ques?ioning everything! 

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